We help brands grow with a clear voice and a story worth telling to become top creative force behind you and your company.
Metamorphosys is a creative and digital agency based in Tangerang. The name Metamorphosys itself is taken from the term turning a larva into a butterfly with an extraordinary process. From the process, we want to be transforming better together with the team, clients, and also with our audiences. We are made of people that always increase something, increase knowledge, experience, and creativity. But there is one that we don’t want to increase, that is Customer Dissatisfaction.
You don’t just wake up and become a butterfly. Growth is a valuable process that needs to be passed. Before the larvae become a beautiful butterfly, they live a life of crawling on the ground until the day they fly. At Metamorphosys, we are enjoy every process of our works because creativity is about the process of creating new things that are solutive and with growth mindset, conquering challenges, breaking boundaries, making mistakes and having fun, we can transform you better together.
Young. Energetic. Creative. Fun. Professional.
See those awesomeness on @MetamorphosysID and take a look our daily excitement on @LifeAtMetamorphosys!
We want to let your company evolve.
We are not a product, but we are a process. We want to let your company evolve. By evolving, your company may have a bigger opportunity to advance. By having bigger opportunities, your company may reach milestones that have never been reached before. After all the milestones your company has reached, certainly your company will be the best version of it. This is why we create our METAdology. Our complex METAdology is Measure, Elaborate, Transform, and Achieve. We measure what client’s needs, find out every piece of details needed for the transformation, execute the “well-prepared” plan and achieve the result of the metamorphosis process.
Managing Director
Creative & Project Director
HR & Admin
Graphic Designer
Digital Marketing Strategist
Digital Marketing Strategist
Digital Marketing Strategist
Web Designer
Social Media Officer
Social Media Officer
Social Media Officer
Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer
We are proud to present you what our client has said who has cooperated and trusted us to their business success.
Merry Riana Group
Yuasa Battery Indonesia
PT. Marguna Tarulata Astagina (Pilkita)
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara & Silla University
WD-40 Indonesia
Synergy Lestari Group
PT. Dwi Mutiara Sejahtera
Johnny Andrean Group
Indonesia Digital MeetUp 2023 menghadirkan ekosistem solusi kemudahan bisnis, hands-on dan on the spot bagi semua level pebisnis (calon s/d veteran) yang akan naik kelas. Fokus memberikan solusi pada empat pilar bisnis UKM: Marketing, Operation, SDM, dan Finansial. Acara ini diselenggarakan pada tanggal 5-6 Oktober 2023 di Gedung Smesco Indonesia. Pada kesempatan di acara tersebut, Metamorphosys bersama para Metamates hadir untuk memperkaya ilmu dan pemahaman baru terkait media sosial saat ini.
Metamorphosys visited IMAGO, one of the biggest exhibition in Multimedia Nusantara University. IMAGO is an exhibition of the final project work of the UMN Faculty of Art and Design and other events consisting of screening of FSD Student final project work, seminars, work reviews and talk shows. This event was held to appreciate and inspire as well as provide new knowledge about the world of art and design.
Metamorphosys kembali dipercaya untuk menjadi bagian dari pengembangan kurikulum institusi pendidikan dan salah satu perwakilan industri yang diundang dalam acara Workshop Kerjasama Industri Jurusan Teknik Grafika dan Penerbitan yang diadakan oleh Politeknik Negeri Jakarta yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 18 November 2022 di Aston Priority Simatupang Hotel and Conference Center yang dihadiri oleh Ryan Stevan selaku Creative & Project Director dan Kiki Kurniawan selaku HR Manager dari Metamorphosys.
TheBrandCamp is a series of ccompact course and support for the visionary, passionate and bold busienss leaders of emerging startups and innovative enterprises in acquiring a deeper knowledge of strategic brand+branding to maximize the brand’s full potential
It has been an extraordinary morning of learning. We are really had a great time to shared insightful knowledge about UI/UX implementation at Metamorphosys to all of Universitas Tarumanagara (UNTAR) DKV Faculty students.
Thank you for having us. We are very grateful to be a part of the learning development process at Universitas Tarumanagara (UNTAR).
Look forward for future collaboration.
WE had an amazing experience with UniSadhuGuna International College students and thank you for having us (again) to share our experiences and knowledge about how the project management process in a design or creative project at Metamorphosys Studio 🔥
Fundamentally, a good project is a project that is managed in a systematic and integrated workflow that makes work run effectively according to the project’s objective. At Metamorphosys, we strive to provide the best possible project experience to our clients. Fun and enjoyment is part of the process.
Metamorphosys is shortlisted as Top Brand Management Agencies in Asia Pacific 2022 by Marketing Tech Outlook Magazine.
Previously going by the name Marketing Tech Outlook, today known as Martech Outlook, a monthly magazine that keeps the readers abreast of the recent trends in the martech industry and profound insights of the changing industries from the CMO’S of various companies. It serves as an information guide of the changing scenarios of the market with the introduction of the novel innovative technology and solutions for CMOs and other suites of C-Level executives.
As part of Indonesia Digital Marketing ecosystem, we have participate and being membership of the association
The Indonesian Digital Marketing Association is the essential force in serving and supporting Indonesian SMB & Digital Marketer through Data & Knowledge on Digital Marketing and Commerce.
At the end of 2018, The Indonesian Digital Marketing Association was established. Within 6 months we already successfully supporting school and university with high-quality education and certification on Digital marketing. More than 500 graduated participants had been worked in the Job-matching process held by The Association. Which helped many companies and SMBs in their Digital transition. Continuing to serve business and education in Indonesia now we are focusing on 5 Important areas.
A’ Design Award, recognizing the excellent and original design work from across the globe, is one of the highest achievements in design, a source of inspiration for award-winning designers, artists, architects, brands and design agencies. Entry and nomination is open to all from all countries.
Metamorphosys dipercaya menjadi salah satu narasumber dari kegiatan penyusunan kurikulum baru untuk mahasiswa jurusan teknik grafika dan penerbitan Politeknik Negeri Jakarta yang diwakili oleh Ryan Stevan selaku Creative & Project Director dari Metamorphosys Studio.
Search Engine Optimization atau SEO adalah upaya mengoptimasi website untuk mendapatkan peringkat teratas di hasil pencarian. Dengan mendapatkan ranking tinggi di hasil pencarian, potensi trafik organik website pun akan meningkat. Selain menghasilkan trafik organik yang tinggi, SEO juga akan membantu mendapatkan trafik yang tepat. Jadi suatu website tidak hanya fokus pada trafik tinggi, tetapi juga trafik yang tepat sesuai dengan tujuan utama website.
Tim Metamorphosys tersertifikasi dan terdaftar sebagai digital marketer yang memiliki sertifikasi mengenai digital marketing, khususnya social media marketing yang disahkan oleh PAKAR, salah satu lembaga platform konsultan marketing terdepan di Indonesia.
Kolaborasi Metamorphosys dengan PT PP Persero dalam perancangan “Semar Mbangun Peradaban Manajemen Proyek Berbasis Strategi dan Filosofi Pewayangan” Buku ini berisi pemaparan dan pemahaman yang esensial di bidang proyek konstruksi dengan menggabungkan kemampuan teknis dan kearifan lokal tentang situasi sosial, makna lebih dalam tentang arti ‘membangun’ dan kaitannya dengan manajemen proyek konstruksi.
Globally, creative industries have been increasingly grown along with technological advances from year to year. Indonesia also have big opportunities in creative industries. Graphic Design is one that becomes the prima donna. The use of graphic design for digital marketing continues to increase. Therefore, the growth of creative industries can not be underestimated. In other words, we should prepare our young generation to be successful creative entrepreneurs. So they can give a big impact on the Indonesian economy.
Perancangan buku “Semar Mbangun Peradaban Manajemen Proyek Berbasis Strategi dan Filosofi Pewayangan”. Seiring dengan semangat Metamorphosys dari tahun ke tahun yaitu ‘Transforming Better Together‘, Metamorphosys hadir dan telah dipercaya oleh banyak perusahaan untuk menangani berbagai jenis klien serta projek yang bervariasi, baik itu skala nasional maupun internasional.
Indonesia’s creative industry has been growing rapidly. In 2016, the number of Indonesians whose working in creative industry for their living reached 16.91 million people. In 2018, the number is projected to increase to 18.1 million people. Now, where the creative industry seems to have become a necessity that must be met by the brand, that number may have increased in 2019.
The collaboration of Metamorphosys with @Magang_ID, an Instagram account that provides information on various internship and job vacancies in the making of “Cerita Kocak Anak Magang”. The book contains 20 unique stories from interns in various places. In working on this book, Metamorphosys collaborated with illustrator Fuccuroya (Ayni Tera) who contributed to the making of cover designs as well as illustrations of each story.