
In 2018, Indonesia was again honored to host the largest sport event in Asia as well as the second largest in the world, the Asian Games. For those of you who don’t know, in the early years of the Asian Games, Indonesia was also the host, precisely in 1962. As Indonesian citizens we should be proud because we have regained this trust to held the event.
Asian Games 2018’s theme was ‘The Energy of Asia’. The soul of the ‘Energy of Asia’ is implied in the diversity of cultures, languages ​​and historical heritage that unfolds in various countries in Asia. Amazingly, it turns out that our country also has this spirit, just look at the diversity that ultimately makes us become Unity in Diversity. Well, it’s the right time for us to be proud to be a part of Indonesia.
Metamates, of course, is also very proud to be a living witness of the splendor of Asian Games 2018 held in Indonesia. This is a great achievement for Indonesia. Finally, Indonesia can prove to the world that our country has the quality and ability to hold international event such as the Asian Games 2018. But, proud and feel touched would be very less if we does not show support for the election of our country as the host of Asian Games 2018. At Metamorphosys, we don’t want to be just proud in words, Metamates also wants to be part of the Asian Games 2018.
The desire to support the success of the Asian Games 2018 were realized by attending the opening ceremony of the Asian Games 2018 at Gelora Bung Karno (GBK), Senayan, Jakarta. No regrets, because it turns out that the event is really cool! During the opening ceremony, we were so touched to see Indonesia become the host country of Asian Games 2018, after that – it was followed by watching musicians who filled the event that day. Wow, Metamates is very enthusiastic and very happy that day. We sang together with the people at GBK that time. Attending the opening ceremony of the Asian Games 2018 was also a stress relief for Metamates who always faced the design software, meetings with clients, deadlines, and other job responsibilities. Wow, it’s like leaving a moment of all the headaches and fatigue.
Not just watching the Asian Games 2018 opening ceremony, during the Asian Games period, Metamates also always stay tuned watching every game that takes place while working and don’t forget to be sure to be accompanied by a variety of snacks. So, even though we can’t watch live at the match venue, Metamates still doesn’t miss Asian Games updates. Most importantly, Metamates can still complete their responsibilities while watching the Asian Games 2018 match on television. Anyway, the Asian Games 2018 really has a memory of imprint for Metamates. Wow, we really can’t wait for other sport events to be held in Indonesia!


Tahun 2018, Indonesia kembali mendapat kehormatan untuk menjadi tuan rumah perhelatan olahraga terbesar di Asia sekaligus terbesar ke dua di dunia, yakni Asian Games. Buat kamu yang belum tau, di tahun-tahun awal Asian Games diselenggarakan, Indonesia juga pernah lho menjadi tuan rumahnya, tepatnya di tahun 1962 silam. Rasanya, sebagai warga negara Indonesia kita patut berbangga karena kita kembali mendapatkan kepercayaan ini.
Asian Games 2018 mengusung tema The Energy of Asia. Asian Games 2018 mengusung tema ‘The Energy of Asia’. Jiwa ‘Energy of Asia’ tersirat pada keberagaman budaya, bahasa dan peninggalan sejarah yang terbentang di berbagai negara di Asia. Mengagumkannya lagi, ternyata negara kita juga punya loh semangat The Energy of Asia ini, lihat aja tuh keberagaman yang akhirnya bikin kita jadi Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Well, it’s the right time for us to be proud being a part of Indonesia.
Metamates tentunya juga bangga banget dong bisa menjadi saksi hidup dari kesemarakan Asian Games 2018 di Indonesia. Ini adalah sebuah prestasi yang besar buat Indonesia. Akhirnya, Indonesia bisa membuktikan pada dunia bahwa negara kita punya kualitas dan kemampuan untuk menyelenggarakan event bertaraf internasional seperti Asian Games 2018 ini. Tapi, bangga dan haru rasanya kurang sih kalau nggak menunjukkan dukungan terhadap terpilihnya negara kita sebagai tuan rumah Asian Games tahun lalu. Di Metamorphosys, kita nggak mau hanya sekadar berbangga dalam kata, Metamates juga mau jadi bagian dari Asian Games!
Keinginan buat mendukung kesuksesan Asian Games ini Metamates wujudkan dengan menghadiri opening ceremony Asian Games 2018 di Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, Jakarta. Nggak nyesel deh, karena ternyata acaranya emang keren banget! Pas upacara pembukaan, rasanya terharu banget melihat Indonesia menjadi negara tuan rumah Asian Games 2018, setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan nonton musisi-musisi yang mengisi acara hari itu. Wuih, Metamates antusias dan happy banget deh. Kita nyanyi bareng seisi GBK pada saat itu. Selain haru dan seru, menghadiri opening ceremony Asian Games juga menjadi stress relief tersendiri buat Metamates yang tiap hari selalu berhadapan sama software desain, meeting bareng klien, deadline, dan sederet tanggung jawab pekerjaan lainnya. Wah, rasanya kayak meninggalkan sejenak semua kemumetan di kepala dan buang penat. Asik banget kan?
Nggak cuma menyaksikan opening ceremony Asian Games 2018 aja, selama periode Asian Games berlangsung, Metamates juga selalu stay tune nonton setiap pertandingan yang berlangsung sambil kerja dan nggak lupa pastinya juga ditemenin sama berbagai makanan kecil. Jadi, meskipun nggak bisa nonton langsung di venue pertandingan, Metamates tetap nggak ketinggalan updates Asian Games. Yang terpenting, Metamates tetap bisa menyelesaikan tanggung jawab masing-masing sambil nonton pertandingan Asian Games 2018 di televisi. Pokoknya Asian Games 2018 benar-benar punya memori membekas deh buat Metamates. Jadi nggak sabar deh nungguin perhelatan-perhelatan olahraga lainnya yang akan digelar di Indonesia!

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Categories: Event