Who isn’t waiting for this one sequel? Everyone, including Metamates of course, always excited and curious about The Avengers sequel. As a loyal fans of Marvel Cinematic Universe, we don’t want to miss all the latest sequels from The Avengers. This is the real proof! Metamates watches The Avengers: Infinity War and the latest, The Avengers: End Game in the first week of the films released. Not only watching together, Metamates also have a dinner together. Nice! With this kind of activity, we strengthen the bond between Metamates with each other. So, for you who wants to be interned at Metamorphosys Studio, it’s definitely going to be a fun experience and really exciting.
Siapa sih yang nggak nunggu-nunggu sekuel yang satu ini? Semua orang, termasuk Metamates pastinya selalu excited dan penasaran dengan kelanjutan The Avengers. Sebagai fans setianya Marvel Cinematic Universe, kita nggak mau ketinggalan semua sekuel terbaru dari The Avengers. Ini bukti nyatanya! Metamates nonton bareng The Avengers: Infinity War dan yang terbaru, The Avengers: End Game di minggu pertama film-film tersebut released.
Nggak cuma nonton bareng, Metamates juga makan malem bareng. Asik banget! Dengan kegiatan – kegiatan ini, kita memperkukuh bonding di antara Metamates satu sama lainnya. Jadi buat kalian yang mau intern di Metamorphosys Studio, udah pasti ini bakal jadi satu pengalaman yang menyenangkan dan seru banget deh.
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